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impact today

Support our mission by contributing a donation.

100% of your donation goes towards our mission.

Your Donation Is Powerful

because it will . . .

  • Change Medical History

    For thousands of years, the treatment of neuroplastic symptoms was no better than placebos. Today, Pain Relief Psychology is validated by scientific research as highly effective. Your support will help us bring this breakthrough care to those who need it most.

  • Correct a Social Injustice

    People with pain or illness from a neuroplastic cause receive a much lower quality of care than people with the same symptoms from organ disease or structural injury.

  • Be Matched

    Your contribution will be matched dollar for dollar by a donor who shares your belief in this cause.

“Thank you for all of your support and for all you have taught us to live life fully towards our values.”

Kaiser's Dr. Les Aria's ACT groups

“Thank you for all that you have done and are continuing to do. This is such exciting and important work!”

M. Hancock

“Thank you for continuing to educate both patients and health care professionals about chronic pain and other mind body disorders. This is life changing work.”

K. McKinley

“The connection between stress, emotions, and pain is very real. Having had chronic pain myself allows me to help others.”

Seth-Deborah Roth CRNA, RN, CCHt

“The ATNS's dedication to making a difference is truly inspiring. The time and effort you have given creates positive change and brings hope to those who need it most”


“We must get the word out that healing is possible.”



  • VenmoFacebook, or check is preferred (to avoid transaction fees).

  • Association for Treatment of Neuroplastic Symptoms

  • Association for Treatment of Neuroplastic Symptoms
    Attn: David Clarke, MD
    1414 SW 3rd Ave, Suite 2901
    Portland, Oregon 97201

  • Donors of $50,000 or more will receive special recognition as one of our Founders.