The 2024 West Los Angeles Veterans Administration Study

The previous study from this center has been updated with a much larger number of 126 patients to provide even more evidence of the remarkable benefits of Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy. In this study, the veterans (average age 72 years, 92% male, 55% African American) with chronic musculoskeletal pain were randomized to receive either EAET (Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy, a form of Pain Relief Psychotherapy) or CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). CBT is the most widely available form of psychotherapy in the U.S. Both treatments were provided as one 90-minute individual session and eight 90-minute group sessions. The goal for patients was to achieve at least 30% pain relief.

The graph shows that only 17% of patients achieved the goal using CBT. However, an astonishing 63% of the EAET patients reached the goal.

In addition, EAET was superior to CBT for 50% pain reduction (35% vs 7%), anxiety, depression, general life satisfaction, and PTSD symptoms. Patients with higher baseline symptoms of depression, anxiety, or PTSD had particularly robust pain reduction following EAET but not CBT.

This study documents that far better outcomes are achieved with Pain Relief Psychotherapy which has the goal of alleviating symptoms (rather than just helping patients to cope or live with their condition) and that focuses on stress, trauma, and repressed emotions.

Yarns BC, Jackson NJ, Alas A, Melrose RJ, Lumley MA, Sultzer DL (2024). Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy vs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain in Older Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(6):e2415842


David Clarke

President of the Association for Treatment of Neuroplastic Symptoms since 2011.


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